Small steps to a New you. Starting a healthy lifestyle can be very difficult. We all know we all know we should be eating healthier. We all know we could be rid of our health problems by eating healthier. But why is it so difficult? Why is it when i try so hard to keep to a diet, i just can’t do it for longer than two weeks?

Which is why I wrote a book about it. To help you, and everyone you know who could benefit from it. In this practical and easy guide i help you become your Healthiest and Happiest self. Without any restrictions or pressure, becoming a New you.

Although it is an ebook, I like to see it more as a guide. This book is short, and straight to the point. It consists of 6 steps, 6 healthy habit. They each take 2-4 weeks to really get it into your system, and become your normal routine, without restrictions or stress.

Filled with lots of healthy recipes, that are easy to make, cheap and family friendly. And blessed with some bonus tips, to help you become your healthiest and best Self. Without restriction, stress or failure.

A Healthier and Happier you, is what you is waiting on the other side!

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